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As an Authorized Signatory for your company, you will receive notification if one of your employees is issued an Airport Violation. The types of violations are Security, Driving, and Authorized Signatory (see details below).

As your role includes monitoring and responding to such violations, this is being brought to your attention so that you may advise your employee to file an appeal or surrender their badge within the time period outlined. The employee will receive a separate communication with violation details and penalties.

The Airport takes violations of safety and security regulations very seriously. Your cooperation in providing a prompt and comprehensive response is appreciated.

Security Violation (non-driving)

The process for a Security Violation (non-driving) is as follows:

  1. Badge Holder must file an appeal with securitycompliance@866kq.com or surrender the badge within 10 days to Access DFW
  2. Detailed appeal instructions can be requested from securitycompliance@866kq.com
  3. Appeals will be determined by the Airport Security Coordinator (ASC)
  4. Decisions made by the ASC are final
  5. Suspension begins when the badge is surrendered to Access DFW
  6. During surrender, the badge holder must tell Access DFW that the badge is being surrendered for an Airport Violation
  7. Suspension includes a reinstatement fee and possible training
  8. Questions can be emailed to securitycompliance@866kq.com

For additional information on a Security Violation, please visit Chapter 9 Security Violation

Driving Violation

The Process for a Driving Violation is as follows:

  • If the violation results in a driving endorsement suspension (see Exhibit 1: Violations/Points Issued in the Airside Safety Handbook), the badge will be surrendered to the officer, or Airfield Operations representative, issuing the citation. The suspension begins on the date the violation is issued.
  • If the violation results in a driving endorsement suspension, please see Section 9, subpart C of the Airside Safety Handbook to have the SIDA badge reinstated without the Driving Endorsement.
  • If the employee wishes to appeal the violation, please see Section 9, subpart D and E of the Airside Safety Handbook.

The Airside Safety Handbook can be found at 4lh.866kq.com/airsidesafetyhandbook. Questions can be emailed to airfield.safety@866kq.com.

For additional information on Driving Violations, please visit the Airside Safety Handbook.

Authorized Signatory Violation

You must complete Authorized Signatory training within one week of notification of a violation. Failure to complete the training within the time period will result in the removal of Authorized Signatory privileges. To access the training, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to http://accessdfwtraining.866kq.com
  2. Log in with your UPID for User ID
  3. Password is your first Initial, last name, last 4 of SSN (For example: jdoe1234)
  4. Take course Authorized Signatory Initial
  5. Questions can be emailed to SignatoryAccess@866kq.com

For additional information on Authorized Signatory Violations, please refer to your Authorized Signatory Manual. Authorized Signatories can find the most current version by clicking the “Help” link in the SAFE Authorized Signatory portal (near the “Logout” link).


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